
Bio stuff




Biopsychology Concentration

Personal stuff

Christian is feeding some wild tropical birds at the Brevard Zoo, one of our favorite haunts when we go to Florida each spring. I often attend the Comparative Cognition Conference, held near the zoo.


My family consists of my son, Christian, my wife, Katarzyna, two dogs, Rumpole and Elkie, and two parakeets.

Christian is interested in art, math, and tennis, each of which takes a decided back seat to video games. One of his favorite iphone apps, and mine, is Ragdoll Blaster

When he can be dragged away from his computer or iphone, he attends the Fessenden School where he is currently a seventh grader, plays tennis, wrestles, and tries to avoid the school dress code as often as possible.


Rumpole (on the left) was named after the lead character in one of our favorite British comedies, Rumpole of the Bailey. Elkie is a purebread Norwegian Elkhound. We got both dogs from families who no longer wanted to take care of them.